30 Jan 2023
Dota 2

Conquer the TI11 Champion, Gaimin Gladiator Secures Five Major Slots

source: twitter @GaiminGladiator


The Dota Pro Circuit stage has almost reached its final phase, one by one the representatives from each region started to appear. At the WEU 2023 DPC Gaimin Gladiator made sure to accompany Team Liquid to the Five Majors after humiliating TI11 champion, Tundra Esports.


Featuring veteran midlaner Quinn, Gaimin Gladiator performed amazingly at DPC WEU 2023. During the 3 weeks running, Gaimin has only lost 2 out of a total of 7 matches. They swallowed that defeat after falling against Team Liquid who swept the region and also OG.


The determinant of whether or not Gaimin Gladiator will qualify for the Five Majors is their last match against the newest The International champion, Tundra Esports. The big name Saksa cs doesn't seem to thrill Gaimin Gladiator at all. In fact, from the best of 3 series, Gaimin Gladiator appeared to dominate in 2 games with a 2-0 win.


Game 1


Dyrachyo, who played Lina, appeared frightening in game 1. His movement made the laning phase look one-sided towards Gaimin Gladiator. In fact, in 15 minutes, the Gold difference between Gaimin Gladiator and Tundra Esports reached 7 thousand. Until the game ended at 31 minutes, Dyrachyo became the player with the most kills with a total of 11 kills.


Game 2


Gaimin Gladiator's confidence was increasingly visible in the 2nd game, playing snowballing with Tusk, making winning the laning phase not a difficult matter for them. Even though they are superior, Gaimin Gladiator still plays neatly with the setups they provide in teamfights. As a result, the TI11 champion was silenced with a score of 26-5 in the 31st minute.


As we know, the WEU 2023 DPC has 4 representative slots for the Five Majors. After Team Liquid and Gaimin Gladiator, there are still 2 tickets left to fly to Peru. Now, there are 3 teams that will fight over the remaining 2 slots, namely OG, Tundra Esports, and also Entity. Of these three names, only Entity has never won The International.


The meeting between Entity and Nigma Galaxy will determine who will qualify from these 3 teams. If Entity loses, it is certain that Tundra Esports and OG will be the last 2 teams to participate in the Five Majors of DPC WEU 2023, but if Entity wins, the 3 teams will play in the tiebreaker.