15 Feb 2023
Dota 2

BOOM Esports slipped in the BTS Pro Series 14

Since BOOM esports made history by being the only Indonesian team to break through to The International, let alone being able to beat the defending champion Team Spirit, BOOM has become the team to watch out for from the SEA region. Unfortunately, their slick performance last year seemed to just disappear this year.


The Dota Pro Circuit SEA 2023 witnessed a decline in BOOM's performance earlier this year. Swallowing a total of 5 defeats, BOOM and Fnatic had to be willing to go down to division 2. Hoping that BOOM's performance could improve, BOOM even slipped even more in the BTS Pro Series 14. They were forced to play from the lower bracket after being defeated by Talon Esports.


BOOM's performance can't be called bad, because often, BOOM always excels early in the game. However, the homework that BOOM has to do is how they optimize early leading to produce wins. Often, going into the mid to late game, they make misplay after misplay so that it gives time for the opponent to catch up.


In the midst of BOOM's poor performance, their founder, Garry “Natshuba” Ongko seems to be preparing a breakthrough for the team with the #Hungrybeast tagline. Through his Twitter tweet, it is indicated that BOOM Esports will be strengthened by returning old people.


https://twitter.com/natshuba/status/1623537886598664192 (embed link)


Responding to the tweet, many predicted that the old man was Dreamocel. Later, he will replace Natsume whose performance has not been seen until now. Apart from Dreamocel, Hyde is also suspected of filling in the analyst.


Whoever returns, the responsibility will be very big to be able to return BOOM Esports' performance back to the top. Who do you think will be the 'savior' for BOOM this year?